The garden consultant



Image film, marketing campaign, videos

All projects

Expert tips for all budding green thumb

In a small series of info clips, we told about growing food in your own garden for our customer Dehner. In a cozy, summer garden atmosphere, three videos were created on the grounds of the Bavarian State Institute for Viticulture and Horticulture in cooperation with Dehner personnel. The videos are aimed at all gardening enthusiasts and are also intended to appeal to and “convert” those who have never cared for greenery before. Over seven months we filmed parallel to the growth process and the result does not need to hide. Enjoy the tips of the expert garden center!

Everything is in the green.

And it’s brand new. And in Frankfurt!
We produced a film for the opening of the new Dehner Garten-Center.
At the opening itself, we captured the event photographically.