JAHREISS media agency

We inspire with experience and competence – for over 30 years

Take a good look – we always do!

What are you looking for? And what are we about?

It’s about the value of an idea, and the belief that your wishes can be implemented in a way that exceeds your expectations.

Or to put it another way. This is what we do. 

And it’s how we will excite you!

Become part of our #teamjahreiss

You are still looking for an apprenticeship? Then get in touch with us promptly!

We train media designers in image & sound as well as photographers and still have a vacancy for this year! Are you flexible, up for a cool team and exciting work across the country? Then apply quickly now – even if the year has actually already started, we are looking forward to you. Just send an email to info@jahreiss.com or via the contact form at the bottom of the page!

Our agency in Hohenberg

What makes us special?  What sets us apart from the rest?

Is it our mixture of ‘old hands’ and ‘bright young things’?

Is it the experience of over 30 years in the media sector, combined with a curiosity thats constantly forward looking?

We are quick to understand the brief, extremely flexible and versatile, always thinking and working with the appropriate communication channels. 

You can discover the rest yourselves.… see you soon!

Our agency

in numbers

Years experience
Terabyte Datas
Cups of coffee