Portfolio Categories: DESIGN

JBM arrives in Europe
JBM arrives in Europe FILM, PHOTOGRAPHY, TRADE FAIR SUPPORT Client JBM Group Mission Image film, photography, trade fair design All projects Market launch Europe Almost nobody knows JBM yet, but [...]

IGM Bavarian straw pig
IGM Bayrisches Strohschwein CONCEPT,FILM, PHOTO, WEB Customer IGM Bavarian straw pig Order Concept, brand development, info films, photography, web design All projects You can't stop an idea whose time has [...]

Marcello Morandini
Marcello Morandini FILM, PHOTOGRAPHY, DESIGN Customer Marcello Morandini Order Image film / image photography / brochure All projects A study in black. And white. Like colors, art, design and architecture [...]

Leuwico high 01
Leuwico PHOTOGRAPHY, FILM, DESIGN Customer Leuwico Order Photography, image film, brochure, micro website All projects High 01 from Leuwico. Is this the best desk in the world? It is perfectly [...]

Butcher shop Sandner Selb
Traditional butchery Sandner Selb FILM, PHOTO, WEB Customer Butcher shop Sandner Order Image film, photography, web design All projects Relaunch of the butchery Sandner The history of the Sandner butchery [...]

Atlas Diamant
ATLAS FILM Customer Atlas Diamond Wunsiedel Order Product film and exhibition equipment All projects Perform super well. This is best done with diamond cutting discs from Atlas Diamant. The company [...]

VR-Bank Fichtelgebirge-Frankenwald
VR Bank FILM Customer VR Bank Order Photography, anniversary book, film All projects 100 years of money for Ideas. In times of online banking, 100 years of VR-Bank testify to [...]

Batania. FILM, DESIGN Customer Batania Order Photography, image film All projects Everything for Catering & Co The idea of supplying customers not only with high-quality spices, but also with equipment [...]

Hospitalstiftung Hof
- By SimonWolfrum
Hospitalstiftung Hof FILM, DESIGN, PHOTOGRAPHY, WEB DESIGN Customer HSP yard Order Image film, web design, advertising campaign, peopleshooting All projects Feel like giving away feelings of happiness? Does that sound [...]

SI-KA-TEC FILM, DESIGN Customer SI-KA-TEC Order Image film / Photos / Exhibition equipment All projects Fit for the trade fair SI-KA-TEC is one of the leading European companies in the [...]