Falafel & Foodstylist

Food shooting for ayurvedic cookbook

Ayurvedic cuisine is based on centuries-old knowledge from the Indian culture.

Its aim is to create a balanced state between body and mind, which is why the subject of Ayurveda receives a great deal of attention in our fast-paced times. We were commissioned to professionally stage the recipes of the Ayurveda guru, Niki Sitaram Sabnis, for Random-House, one of the largest publishing houses in the world. It was in the spirit of the five elements cuisine to cook over 100 recipes, arrange and ultimately photograph delicious. As so often, we were supported by a powerful kitchen team and our stylist Claudia Seifert from Hamburg. Photography was mainly done with daylight to get the most natural look possible. Shortly after its publication, the cookbook was among the 400 best-selling books in Germany. It turned out really nice too, we all think….